Experiencing God's grace one cake at a time!

Monday, May 14, 2012

How do you make a friendship cake?

Ok, so this video is a little old school, but it makes me smile.  AND, look at the words, they are so true:

"How do you make a friendship cake,
What's it going to take?
An ounce of kindness,
A drop of generosity,
A touch of heart and a hint of a smile
A cup of trust and a pound of respect
Friends helping friends with a little bit of love"

I am a work in progress in every area of my life, especially being a true friend.  I have not had the best examples in my life, but over the last 15 years, there has been one friend that has always been an example to me.  There were times over that 15 years that I did not appreciate her example, not because she wasn't being a good friend, but because I wasn't.  Years upon years of avoiding, hurting and ignoring because I was too selfish to care.   It is only the love of Jesus that would cause a person to keep coming back and reaching out to a person that never reached back. 

When God knew that I was ready to start letting Him into my heart and in turn letting other people in, He led me back to this friend.  The one who was always there, even when I wasn't.  When we were separated by miles and even states, she prayed for me.  I know she did.  Not because she told me (although lots of times she did tell me) but because I felt her prayers and looking back now my life is a miracle.  God can work miracles through anyone, but He heard her prayers all those years, and so did I. 

I am blessed.

I am honored to call her friend, and to call her my sister in Christ. 

I was overjoyed when I had the chance to make her baby shower cake for her 3rd child, Skyler.

I love a challenge, and I wanted this to be perfect for her.  Any opportunity I have to give back to her I snatch up!  Stacks and stacks of square layers of cake made up this baby block that was frosted and decorated in buttercream.  I never realized how hard it was to get cake perfectly square!  Then recently she celebrated a birthday and there was nobody else I would have had more fun baking for.  She is all girl, all glitz and all bling and I knew exactly what to do!  I had learned a new piping technique that I had been dying to try and mixed with the perfect shade of teal came the most whimsical cake I have made to date!

Candi, my gratefulness to you and my thankfulness for you goes far beyond cake, but if I can say "thank-you" over and over again with cake, I will!

I love you dear friend!

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